Sunday, February 22, 2009

Good Friends

On Saturday we had a visit from our good friends the Jensen's. We just had a real low key visit. Kids and puppies played, then we went out to Dynasty for lunch. It was really yummy, and just right! The weather on Saturday was just amazing (we have been so spoiled this winter!) so we spent a good amount of time outside in the backyard with the kids and the dogs.

The just moved over to Medford in July and we see them about once a month, but the kids have just grown so much latley. Addie is really beginning to be less "cute", and more beautiful. Her look and personality are maturing so much! Lily is a real sweet little bug, and too funny! She turns 3 next month and is no longer a baby at all! Her pigtails are so long, and she is always singing, or saying something so funny. Harrison and Parker are such good buds. They have been best little friends since they were five years old. They'll both turn eleven this summer, almost six years. Unbelievable! It's so good for them to get to spend some time together.

Later we had dinner. Wings done 3 different ways, oven potatoes, and veggies with ranch. It was good. It was such a nice easy day, with good conversation and fun stories. We have been so grateful for the friendship we share with this wonderful family. I am happy that we can still get together and be a part of eachother's lives. This is Phoebe and Addie last year in thier ballet recietle costumes. Phoebe was a butterfly and Addie was a mouse! Too Cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice to have friends like the Jensen's? They really are wonderful people. I'm glad you've stayed in touch even though they've moved. Friendships are so special!